Saturday, February 14, 2009

Express yourself through sounds and rhythms

ask yourself, What's your motivation for musical expression? The answer is important and different for everyone. Use the your motives to guide you when composing. Some common ideals are:

An inner voice that speaks through musical notes.
An itch inside that keep tingling with musical rhythms and ideas.
A yearning to hear music that allows you to reach a heightened musical.
A deep and unresolved emotion that needs exploration and expression in the form of musical pose.
A yearning to be heard, to be appreciated for your ideas.

Thai Green Curry.
chilli basil
green curry paste
coconut milk,
kaffire lime leaves,

simple ingredients, though you'd get different taste from different cooks.
So too, many studios have great gear and people and people so talented its unhuman like. Not everything that appears the same is equal.

To be truly creative, you need to experiment, and let yourself experience something new. Let your inner voice guide you.

This entry was created by Josef Horhay

Hi-End Mixing, Recording, Voice Over and Collaborations.
For more info on recording check out acoostic zoo - Recording Studios Brisbane

Embrace DA Muzak. (Embrace the Music)

Acoostic Zoo - Recording Studios is about embracing the music. Having a friend that has a great technical foundation in mixing and recording frees time for you to embrace the music. Compose like you've never done before. Your dreams can be achieved. Focus on creating the music you hear inside your head with no limitations.

Imagine a world where you are in charge of a kingdom feeled with limitless ideas. Reach out and place your claim on them. Share from within and turn your musical soul into physical sonic reality.

Remeber to always be true to yourself. Free your mind from prejudice and intelorance. Become one with your needs and strengths. Strengthen your weaknessness. be humble and always learn from your mistakes. Experience the beauty of little things as from little things big things grow.

Education is the key to freedom and many more opportunities. Push yourself to experience, don't stay too much in your comfort zone. If you do the same things, don't expect different results.

X Crazy for DANCE music.

Electronic Dance music is like a drug. Once hooked you'll just want more and more. However, if you try it for the first time, you immeadiately love it or you don't.

Dance music isn't just about repetitive beats and boring melodic ideas... if done properly, it can evoke feelings of heightened awareness as well as freeing your mind. Good music tastes time to develop and many hours of experimentation until it becomes complete and complete. Thousands of hours go into developing a sound in the recording studio. If is this passion for a musical high that keeps listener coming back for more.

What you do isn't important if you don't have a passion for it. If you're struck by boundaries that society imposes that you need to write a peace that explores these emotions. Music takes time and without the hundreds of failures, you can't achieve a true work of art. The analogy is a great painting or drawing is made through many strokes of the pen/brush. When you take away one stroke (hypothetically) the painting/drawing is not complete. So the key to making music and works of art is not to be limited by anything. To create that musical heightened state of mind, you will be prepared to carve a sound, go with a your gut instinct and spend ages experimenting.

This entry was created by Josef Horhay from Acoostic Zoo
Hi-End Mixing, Recording, Voice Over and Collaborations.
check us out For more info on recording with acoostic zoo - Recording Studios Brisbane

Recording Studios and Interesting Topics on Gearslutz

Gearsluts Forum Photo diaries of recording studio construction
Here you can find lots of interesting construction pictures off actual professional studios.
A Cappella Studio Construction Thread
This is a recording studio facility located in Evanston, IL. A very thorough log and detailed pictures on the construction process.

Lionshare Recording Studios
This is a recording studio facility has recorded the likes of Rod Stewart, Chicago, Peter Ceterea, Richard Marx. There are links here to the history of this amazing studio, well worth checking out.

Steve's New Recording Studio
I love this post, it's really long though and heaps of great pictures. Great documentation of the construction of steve's recording studios. It's really interesting. Well worth chekcing out.

Post by Blacky about His VOXBOX which also uses in Brisbane Australia. The question posses is wether their is a "secret" to great sounds. Maybe you'd like to contribute and give Blacky more tips.

This entry was created by Josef Horhay
Hi-End Mixing, Recording, Voice Over and Collaborations.
For more info on recording with acoostic zoo - Recording Studios Brisbane

Good Quotes collected and compiled by Acoosticzoo - Recording Studios Brisbane.

You never fail until you give up. And you fail your way to failure. Gordon Kelly, feb 2009

If you do the same things don't expect to get the different results. feb 2009

Sell yourself before you can begin to sell the value of your product. feb 2009

You're welcome to leave your own favourite quotes in the comments and have a nice day.

This entry was created by Josef Horhay from
Acoostic Zoo,Hi-End Mixing, Recording, Voice Over and Collaborations.